Monday, May 19, 2014


First of all if you're gonna survive the apocalypse. You NEED to know how to play. This mode isn't something you can just pick up and play. There are many factors to this mode. But without further ado, let us begin.

No matter what map you spawn in, you'll always spawn in a small room. (With the exception of town and farm) Now you see the small room is just one room in the map. Most of the maps in this game are large and confusing. You'll start off with a petty pistol that you can't do much with, 500 points, and 2 grenades.
You rack up points by shooting, knifing, blowing up, and killing zombies. There are actually several ways of building up points but I will get to that later.
Kill off any zombie you see. In the first 2 rounds this is very easy to do by knifing the zombies. Try repairing the windows they came through. There will always be at least one door in the starting room, usually two that you can open by spending points which will take you to the next part of the map.
You'll always want to get a gun off the wall or from the mystery box (we will discuss the mystery box later) as soon as possible as your petty pistol that you spawn with becomes completely useless. A gun from the wall or mystery box will give you a much better chance of not being over ran.
Eventually your going want to get perks by spending points to increase your chance of survival onto later rounds but we will discuss this in another post.

Here's a checklist of what your going to want to do when you start a game.

  • Spend the first two rounds in the starting room gathering points by killing zombies and repairing windows.
  • Buy a weapon off the wall and move on from the starting room as soon as possible after that.
  • Turn on the power which will allow you to buy perks.
  • Buy perks to help you survive and continue opening up doors.
  • Watch your back. I will show you how to do this very effectively in a later post.
I will be going into much more detail on the next post on how to survive.
Stay tuned.

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