Tuesday, May 6, 2014

How the zombies ranking system works and what's wrong with it.

I explained all of the ranks in Black Ops 2 Zombies. I did not explain how to get them though and this is the first part of this post.

  • Like I said, the first rank is earned by default just for starting off the game. 
  • The second rank is earned usually after a few games of zombies.
  • The third rank is earned by having at least a 30 kill to down ratio in zombies.
  • The fourth rank is earned by having at least a 60 kill to down ratio in zombies.
  • The final rank is earned by having usually around a 100 kill to down ratio in zombies.

Now how to get the ranks is an educated estimate but is not exact. You would need to play around with it.
But like I said, there are several things wrong with the ranking system. First of all, let's say you start off as a bad player and you have a low rank, now let's say you get much better later on, chances are your rank will not go up.
That's right, the ranking system is not based on how you did your last 5 games. It is based on everything averaged out. For example, let's say you take 10 tests and the first 5 tests you score a 20%. But now the last 5 tests you score 90% on all of them. Even though the improvement is drastic, your average is 55% and that is bad. So basically no matter how hard you work on those last tests your basically going to fail. That's how the ranking system works.

The last thing wrong with it is that there are a lot of good players that just have a skull. A lot of these players are good enough to have the last rank. Then there are those who are really not good who do have the last rank because these players basically sat in a corner and just shot every zombie that came close and never went down and they had a high kill to down ratio and then when they go out to run trains they are terrible at it.
I've played with great people who just have a skull for an emblem and then some terrible people that should be good because they carry the max rank. Just have fun with the game and don't care about some silly rank because there are a lot of people with just a skull that could destroy those with max ranks.
Black Ops 2 Zombies Hd Wallpaper

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