Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Ranking System of Black Ops 2 Zombies

This is how the ranking system works in the Call of Duty zombies mode of Black Ops 2. First of all, there are 5 emblems that can be earned. I'll explain how it works. And then I'll explain how useless it is.

The first rank in Zombies for Black Ops 2 is a single bone with a wooden shield behind it. This is obtained immediately when playing Zombies and basically just shows you are starting the game and have only played a couple games as even the poorest players rank past this one.

The second rank is two bones with a wooden shield with iron outlining to make the second emblem and looks perhaps more  intimidating but is nothing special. Considered less then average skill level.

The third rank is the most common, it is the skull. This rank makes you look average.

The fourth rank is the skull and knife with an iron shield. In order to obtain this, you need to be somewhat good at zombies and can take some time.

The fifth and final rank is the skull and shotgun rank with a sleek shield in the background. You're supposed to be very good in order to obtain this rank.

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