Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Ultimate Call Of Duty Zombies Guide

The Call of Duty Zombies mode in Call of Duty WaW, Black ops, and Black ops 2 have always been very popular game modes in the franchise. With Over a dozen maps, a ton of perks, weapons, and ways to survive the apocalypse. This is your ultimate guide to the zombie apocalypse in Call of Duty.
In the COD zombies mode, your main goal will be to gather up as many points as possible while buying doors, weapons, perks, and other goodies to fend off the endless horde of zombies. Your goal here is as simple as it gets. Survive. There are small goals in this mode that will help you against the relentless hordes and we will be covering them all. This guide will not be covering easter eggs. Mainly on just surviving and how to survive. We'll be going over weapons, perks, pack-a-punch, points, maps, trains, and more.
So without further ado, let's get started shall we?
The first post will be about starting off. Basically for people who really don't know too much about zombies and can't make it more then 2 or 3 rounds without the help of a buddy.

Monday, May 19, 2014


First of all if you're gonna survive the apocalypse. You NEED to know how to play. This mode isn't something you can just pick up and play. There are many factors to this mode. But without further ado, let us begin.

No matter what map you spawn in, you'll always spawn in a small room. (With the exception of town and farm) Now you see the small room is just one room in the map. Most of the maps in this game are large and confusing. You'll start off with a petty pistol that you can't do much with, 500 points, and 2 grenades.
You rack up points by shooting, knifing, blowing up, and killing zombies. There are actually several ways of building up points but I will get to that later.
Kill off any zombie you see. In the first 2 rounds this is very easy to do by knifing the zombies. Try repairing the windows they came through. There will always be at least one door in the starting room, usually two that you can open by spending points which will take you to the next part of the map.
You'll always want to get a gun off the wall or from the mystery box (we will discuss the mystery box later) as soon as possible as your petty pistol that you spawn with becomes completely useless. A gun from the wall or mystery box will give you a much better chance of not being over ran.
Eventually your going want to get perks by spending points to increase your chance of survival onto later rounds but we will discuss this in another post.

Here's a checklist of what your going to want to do when you start a game.

  • Spend the first two rounds in the starting room gathering points by killing zombies and repairing windows.
  • Buy a weapon off the wall and move on from the starting room as soon as possible after that.
  • Turn on the power which will allow you to buy perks.
  • Buy perks to help you survive and continue opening up doors.
  • Watch your back. I will show you how to do this very effectively in a later post.
I will be going into much more detail on the next post on how to survive.
Stay tuned.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Surviving past round 5

If you wanna survive in Zombies past round 5, 10, 20, maybe 40 even? You better listen, I can survive on any zombies map and i can do it well.
By the time you get to round 5. You should always have a weapon other then your pistol. Buy a weapon off the wall or from the mystery box!! You will not survive if you do not! It doesn't matter what it is. Now the easy way to do this is to look for any weapon off the wall. These weapons will range anywhere from 500 points to 1500. Try to get an automatic weapon. They cost usually around 1000-1200 but they are well worth your points.
Or if you can find it you can hit the mystery box if you can find it. It's literally a box that has two glowing question marks on it. You might need to open a door or two or even three to get to it. (keep in mind the box costs 950 points) Gambling for a random gun from the box is a gamble because you could get a very bad weapon or you could get a very good one hence the name "Mystery Box".
After you have a good weapon, save up for juggernog. This perk will increase your max health by 250%.
Without it, your a dead man as zombies can get you down in 2 hits. But with it, it will take 5 hits for the zombies can get you down. And yes, your health does regenerate.
On the next post we will be discussing how to run trains, which is running around the zombies and letting them follow you instead of standing still and getting over ran when more then 20 zombies are all over the place. This is very important if you want to go past round 15 or 20 on any map.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Running A Train

In Zombies, running a train is very important in order to survive.
The basic definition of it is "running past zombies and leading them that way they are in a organized crowd behind you. When you don't run a train and you just run around like a monkey or stay in once place. The zombies will be everywhere and you will get over ran extremely easily. Especially in the later rounds where zombies have much more health.
Here's a video tutorial on how to run a successful train in Call of Duty Zombies.


The video above is a detailed video on how to run a rape train perfectly.
This is a quick checklist on how to do it.

  • Buy a good weapon
  • Buy Juggernog to increase health
  • Buy Quick Revive so you can revive yourself if you do go down
  • Now find a nice open spot where you can do this
  • Gather the zombies, run past them, and try to run in a large circle
  • The zombies will be running behind you now
  • When all the zombies stop spawning, kill them
  • For every zombie killed, another will spawn so watch out.
Next post will be on all of the perks in COD Zombies.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Primary Perks

Perks are a very essential tool for surviving the zombie apocalypse.
From gaining health to reviving your friends faster. Here is a list of perks for Call of Duty Zombies

Remember you can only have 4 perks at a time on most Call of Duty Zombies maps

Juggernog Machine Render

Juggernog increases the players max health by 150% and can be found on every call of duty zombies map not including Nacht Der Untoten. This perk costs 2500 points and is a must have on any map. (essential for survival)

Speed Cola Machine Render

Speed Cola:

Speed cola increases your reload time by 50% and is a lot of players favorite perk next to Juggernog. It costs 3000 points and can be found on any map not including Nacht Der Untoten. (very useful in survival)

Quick Revive:
Quick Revive Machine Render

Quick Revive is a very important perk that allows you to revive yourself when you go down and allows you to revive team mates 100% faster. (essential for survival on solo) This perk costs 1500 points on multiplayer and 500 points on solo.

Double Tap:
Double Tap Root Beer Machine Render

Double tap lets you shoot bullets at a much faster rate and shoots two bullets out at once instead of one. (extrememly useful) This perk costs 2000 points.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Secondary Perks

These perks are very useful in the zombies franchise and while they are not a necessity, they are quite nice and I would recommend them.


Stamin-Up Machine Render
Stamin-up allows players more mobility, allowing them to run faster with any weapon along with allowing them to sprint 100% faster. This perk is useful for running trains. This perk costs 2000 points.

PhD Flopper:
PhD Flopper Machine Render
PhD Flopper allows players not to take any explosive damage from explosives and explosive weapons and allows you to jump while going prone off a cliff to make a large explosion. This perk costs 2000 points.

DeadShot Daquiri:

Deadshot Daiquiri Machine RenderDeadShot Daquiri increases hip fire accuracy by 35% while reducing recoil on all weapons. It auto aims on the head of zombies instead of the torso with the exception of wonder weapons. This perk costs 1500 points.

Mule Kick:

Mule Kick Machine RenderMule Kick allows you to have a third weapon in your inventory, however if you go down you will lose the weapon you got with it.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Special Perks

These perks are rather unusual but add depth to the game and are quite awesome!


Tombstone Machine BOIITombStone lets you be able to kill yourself when you go down and come back to life next round and retain all of your weapons and perks. This perk is 2000 points. Exclusive to Green Run

Who's Who:

Who's Who machine BOIIWho's Who allows the player to revive themselves with a ghost of themselves when they go down. If they are successful they retain all of their perks. Note: Zombies will attack the ghost player you are trying to revive yourself with. This perk costs 3000 points. Exclusive to Die Rise

Electric Cherry:

Electric Cherry Machine BOIIElectric Cherry creates a lethal wave of lightning every time the player reloads their weapon. If the player lets their weapons clip empty all the way, the shock is more lethal. This perk costs 2000 points and is exclusive to Mob of the Dead and Origins.

Vulture Aid machine render BOIIVulture's Aid:

Vulture's Aid bestows 4 unique effects upon the player.

  • The player will be able to see wall weapons, perks, pack-a-punch, and the mystery box through walls from a short distance away.
  • Zombies will drop small packs of ammo and points.
  • Certain zombies will release clouds of smoke upon death which the player can stand in and not be seen by zombies.
  • Zombies eyes glow brighter.

This perk costs 3000 points and is exclusive to buried.